We can choose to flow with Divine order reaping the blessings or buck up against it and be held accountable, suffering the punishment there of. You must understand that Jesus came for this very purpose.
When man disobeyed and went against Divine order he became guilty and his guilt became apart of his very existence as a human soul. You see, not only was his humanity tainted, his spirit was also.
There was no man worthy to atone for the guilt of going against Divine order.
Now picture this, you are within the comfort of your home and you were cleaning up, as you walk by the window something outside catches your attention.
Depending on how your heart and mind are lining up together will determine if what caught your attention will be for your good or it will end up all bad. However, it was allowed in, just as if you had opened the window to your house and let every fly in the state in, lol, the enemy will set up situations to try and sway our thinking out of order.
Now in the case of a man addicted to porn, the enemy watched that man and studied him.
Because darkness can't see into the heart of man, a right that is reserved for God, the man has to show whats in his heart by his action and reactions.
This occurrence will tell darkness how he should proceed in trapping this soul.
Furthermore, when that man watches porn, long after the movie has ended the images are still playing in his mind developing a desire to act out the immoral acts he just let into his windows.
This happened in the garden of Eden.
Look at GEN.3:4-7 "Then the serpent said to the women you shall not surely die." God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes (windows) will be opened and you will be like God knowing good from evil.
We don't know how long the enemy of God watched this women in front of that tree, out from under the covering of her husband.
Looking at that tree, staring at that tree, with the beautiful image of the tree being allowed into the mind, brought with it thoughts of curiosity.
Darkness made a suggestion that lined up with her own desire.
When the women saw (through her windows) that the tree was good for food, saw it was pleasant to the eyes, a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband, and he ate.
Then the eyes (windows) of both of them were open.
Had it just been the women who ate, mankind would have been in the clear.
When he decided to line his focus up with hers against God he took us down with him. Therefore, be careful of what you allow yourself to focus your attention on .Be sure that it doesn't create thoughts keeping you from making good choices.
Be mindful to not put yourself out of order with God. I hope this gave you understanding, if so pass it on. Be blessed.
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