Tuesday, February 26, 2013


When you use your God given freewill to choose to sit in front of the computer screen and communicate information to the world, all things must be considered before your fingertips engage the keyboard, because we will be held accountable for our choices in all matters of consequences and blessings.

Where do most people go wrong when firing information into the system of the world wide web?

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Darkness and lies reside in the shadows of the wickedness of evil men who use the disobedient, sinful, and negative energy of the world to win. 

  The riches of the wicked store up high beyond the clouds, but the Lord resides in truth. 

God brings the work of the wicked crashing down handing the spoils over to the ones that He favors. The one inhabiting the praises of His people, a loving gentle Savior.

What say you of the Savior?