Friday, August 31, 2012


   The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want for anything,  
  for i am a child of the Most High God.

 Make no mistake about it I am by no means perfect,
  but I do believe that I can do all things through christ.

It is through my lord that i have been perfected and regenerated, 
 and made one in the family of God.

All my needs are met according to his Riches and Glory.How many of you know,
    that there is no title or amount one can put on how Rich and Glorious God is in everything. 

    The word said that jesus wept.

   I proclaim right here today,
     that life and death takes their orders from the creator of all things.

       They can't make a move unless he allows them to.

  I will fear not the darkness.

I will fear not man, who can kill the body and after that nothing! 

Walk in the light of righteousness and love and receive the Blessings of God.

How can we get the youth of today to embrace this message?
Why don't you think they can receive it?



       Fear not the wicked yet fear the Lord above, 
      prayer truly changes things when you petition the power of Love.

       satan wants to kill the child of God but he can't because Jesus gives him life,
      with full authority and without fear into the darkness he shines the light.

      Breaking down evil strongholds, prayerful at  every stage,
   showing the way to deliverance and how one can come to be saved.

      This is a call that must be answered by every individual, 
       anyone and everyone who is willing to bare the name "Christian"
         Those willing to stand in his presence, those wiling to proclaim  
        JESUS IS LORD!!!  Those willing to stand faithfully, 
      Those standing humbly, eagerly knocking on his door!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


What is done in the dark hidden from the eye's of men isn't really hidden at all from the eyes of God. When you allow your belief system to be swayed by a lie you reap a whirlwind, the result of you letting yourself forget that God is real and sees everything, in secret and out in the open. 

It is my belief that you must be mindful to keep your existence here on earth in line with the will of God, knowing that when the enemy gives you a suggestion the choice is yours whether or not you give ear. 

Know that evil will never give you all of the information because he only has one objective, to kill, steal, and destroy. 

He will only give you that which will gain him a reaction, and the parts that are withheld will always be the parts that pertain to the divine order of God. God dictates what will be the ultimate direction your life will go in as a result of your choices.


God's various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate from God's Spirit. God's various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate from God's Spirit. God's various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people! 


Friday, August 3, 2012


Listen at the heart of a sinner redeemed by Christ and made one in the family of God. It was once told that life was like a chess game. It wasn't understood at the time but as the board vision became reality, it was then realized that just like chess, victory or defeat hangs on the choices and strategy of the players and how they use the pieces they were given to survive and compete on the board.

God gave us a life to live and he gave us the pieces we would need to stay in the game. God allows opposition and he challenges us to use our free will. He can bless the work of our hands when our choices line up with His will.

nonetheless, when our choices line up with the destructive will of darkness, we then begin to lose key pieces and eventually we are removed from the board.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


As the sun's ultra violet rays bare down on the earth, the heat of this day ministers to my soul and brings to mind the troubles that we face when we allow ourselves to give ear to the lies of the enemy.

When we allow ourselves to be swept away by the empty, unfruitful, promises of darkness, we put ourselves in a position to suffer the heat of Gods judgement and wrath.  

As we continue deeper down this broad road of disobedience, leading to death, the higher the temperature will rise. If repentance is never allowed to have its way. then we are subject to be consumed by the flame.


My Bible tells me that we are washed in the blood of the lamb. The blood of the lamb is a free gift of salvation from God. A gift given to all who will just dare to believe. 

It is an unconditional love that gives and keeps on giving. A love with divine benefits which will see the believer through every facet of life on earth and beyond. 

A love that says you are a member of the Holy family of God and have all the rights thereof. 

The Christian has been given a glorious light with a sacred trust from God to use that light responsibly and shine into the darkness and lead the lost souls to Jesus our Lord.